“There is a sacredness in tears.
They are not the mark of weakness but of power.
They are messengers of overwhelming grief and of unspeakable love.”
~Washington Irving
I liked this prose from my departed friend's book
We travel our life journey in a small boat…just the right size for her and I
Too many times, we’ve experienced rough seas
17 foot waves often try to veer us off course…
The wake of other ships seems intent on tossing us out of our little boat.
The journey thus far has been to just try and hold on
It’s easy to see interesting things on either side of the boat
One or the other of us will lean over the edge to get a closer look
This has only made the boat lopsided…
Nearly capsizing us…way too often
Sometimes, we see the huge waves coming at us
We try to run from one side to the other…to balance ourselves
Even after the waves have subsided, we continue running back and forth…
It’s what we’ve gotten used to doing to steady our boat
This does nothing but continue to create waves
WE create the waves by running back and forth
In a vain attempt to stabilize the boat
If, however, we remain calm…
Seeing the waves and other interesting things as mere distractions…
If we remain calm and simply move together towards the middle of our boat
We can stop creating unnecessary waves…and
Little by little the boat will rock less and less
If we lie together…quietly in the center
The waves will eventually subside
The little distractions will eventually float away on their own
If we cling to each other...the other we’ve always enjoyed…
And loved…
The rough seas beneath will return…
To calm…to love…to us
I will love you for always
…I miss you
I am always here for you
…call me anytime
This is just for now
…perspective comes with time
Two sides to every coin
…you've been tossed into the air
I celebrate your successes
…I'm very proud of you
You will always be a part of me
…I will always be a part of you
Did I mention I really, really miss you
…it hurts my heart
Loving you very much…from afar
Bloom where you are planted
(an impactful statement spoken to me)
You all are here today…
I am here today…
We meet in the safety of this place.
You belong here…
I belong here.
It is understood and we all agree
that love entwines us…
connects us…binds us together.
For we are all One.
No one is a stranger…we are all One.
There are no outcasts…for we are all One.
We are inclusive…we are love.
We are connected…we are love.
I have had heartache…and you reached out in love.
I have been battered…yet, you reached out in love.
We all have difficulties…trials…all kinds of attacks.
But, THIS is the place of belonging.
THIS is the place of safe haven.
This is your church…this is my church
WE are the church.
We all make up this church…our fellowship…
Not a building, but the people
And the relationships we've built.
My church is with you…my friends…
Your friends…and our fellowship.
This provides me safety…
And some sanity…during the storms of my life.
So…we are here today…
We are all safe again…
All of us…together…we are all One.
Our paths crossed
I have loved you
I will always love you.
You…touched me
You…made me laugh
You…changed me with your smile
You…helped me grow.
I think of you often
I miss you, yet—you are a part of me
I wish you happiness in your journey.
I send blessings in my thoughts and prayers
to You.
"…that thing you hate so much may be
the very same thing you miss when it's gone."
~Scrubs 3:14
You are away…and I miss you…;-(
I pray that you have a wonderful adventure
I trust you will learn from your experiences
I hope you'll relax and grow during this time
I believe this is a great opportunity
I hope you find breath…and space…and peace
I trust you'll come back refreshed
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers while
You are away
Please know that I miss you…and
You are loved very much
I Saw You Today
I saw you today
It brought back happy memories
Made me smile
You used to call me your friend
We shared love
It was a blessed time
Now there is space between us
I honor you with no contact
Live your new life…enjoy
I view you from a distance
And only want you to be happy
(but I also grieve for our loss)
~ also from the book, "She Let Go of My Hand"
You must always remember that
I never wanted our song to end.
I’ve led some, but mostly followed…
It was safer for me.
I have stepped on your toes…
Mine have been walked on as well…
I always loved it when you were in my arms.
Hearing you hum…brought me comfort.
Our dance has been a blessing…
Just look at those three beautiful spin-offs!
We will always be former dance partners.
We’ve ended up on different sides of the room—
You are in the corner of fear and anger…
I’m over near the place of love and appreciation.
Never meant to hurt you…I am sorry
I’ll cry with you…since no words can express our loss
However…for now
The music has stopped…
The dance is over.
I have to let you go